Rock City Falls Vol. Fire Dept

Milton Eagles


Help us help you.

We are a 100% volunteer fire department and we stand ready to assist you, your family, and all the members of our community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
While we do not enjoy asking our community for donations, the truth is we rely heavily on the generous support of people like you to help us maintain our aging equipment, purchase new equipment and provide training to our dedicated volunteers.
Donations can be mailed to the address below.  As always, please remain safe and thank you for your support.

By Mail:
Make checks payable to:
Milton Eagles Volunteer Fire Dept.
PO Box 25
Rock City Falls, NY 12863


PO Box 25
Rock City Falls, NY 12863, US

Follow Us


The desire to serve.
The courage to act.
And the ability to perform.

Rock City Falls Vol. Fire Dept